Gender is a socially constructed definition of women and men. It is not the same as sex (biological characteristics of women and men) and it is not the same as women. In the broadest sense, transgender encompasses anyone whose identity or behavior falls outside of stereotypical gender norms. That includes people who do not self-identify as transgender, but who are perceived as such by others and thus are subject to the same social oppression and physical violence as those who actually identify with any of these categories. On this K.LE Society’s law college has organized a sensitization programme on sexual minorities in association with Hamsafar Trust and Samara Society on 5/3/2018. Miss Swethambara, Miss Priyanka and Mr. Kumar were the chief guest of the programme.
Ms Swethambara spoke about the fields where this community feels neglected are inheritance of property or adoption of a child. They are often pushed to the periphery as a social outcaste and many may end up begging and dancing. This is by all means human trafficking. Sometimes running out of all options to feed themselves, they even engage themselves as sex workers for survival.First of all, there needs to be much more acceptance and people need to understand that there is no right or wrong gender. We need to diminish the idea that there are only two genders and accept the vast gender possibilities.