KLE SOCIETY’S LAW COLLEGE recognizes the importance of generation and protection of intellectual property for advancement of the nation in technology and development. The college is committed in the pursuit to do all that is within its power to encourage the creativity and innovation of its people, which can lead to generation of intellectual property.
Intellectual Property Rights have become a significant issue of discussion in the last two decades with the establishment of the WTO and the TRIPs agreement on intellectual property rights. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is an umbrella term that includes patents, copy rights, trademarks, designs, plant variety protection, trade secrets and geographical indications. Research and Innovation in our country emerge both from industry as well as academic institutions and the college recognizes the need for academic debate to come up with creative solutions to old problems. In today’s era, where intellectual property rights are globally enforceable, we need to impart knowledge about the different form of IPR protection to the young generation in order to develop a conducive environment where they are equipped to create novel and original innovations and protect them simultaneously.
NAVODBHAVA: The IPR Cell was inaugurated on 13th October 2018 by Prof. (Dr.) V. Sudesh, Bangalore University. The Cell has been established with the objective of enhancing the intellectual property knowledge and research capabilities of the students of K.L.E. Society’s Law College as well as to help the general public by imparting awareness, information and knowledge regarding IPR. The Cell attempts to achieve these aims through a two pronged strategy. Firstly, it attempts to disseminate information on intellectual property rights with a view to encourage the creation of intellectual property. Secondly, it initiates research into relatively unexplored and novel areas of Intellectual Property Rights.
Objective and Activities of the Cell
• To organize IPR awareness programmes to provide a holistic understanding on Intellectual Property Rights and Policy.
• To sensitize the students with current issues & challenges in the field of IP at national and international level
• To conduct Certificate/ Diploma courses on IPR.
• To conduct outreach programmes in the form of workshops, programmes, and conferences on areas on IPR
• To build IP database for effectively networking between all stake holders and build an IPR community.
• To build functional and professional linkages with government agencies and non-government organizations.
One Day Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights Awareness (Practice and Procedure)
A One Day Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights Awareness (Practice and Procedure) in association with R.K. Dewan & Co. was organized by Navodbhava: The IPR Cell on 15th October 2018. The first speaker, Ms. Amrita Gurunathan delivered a lecture on Introduction to IPR- Patents, Designs and Geographical Indications wherein she delved into the procedural aspects of IPR registration. The second speaker, Mr. Sumeet Sirohi delivered a lecture on Trademarks and Copyright and also discussed the various forms and filing requirements involved in the registration of such IPRs. The workshop was attended by the final year students of BA.LL.B, BBA.LL.B and LL.B programme.
Faculty Co-ordinators

Faculty In-charge,
Contact No.: 8486952857
E-mail: simona@klelawcollege.edu.in

2] Mr. VARUN K.P.
Faculty Co-ordinator,
Contact No.: 8867337296
E-mail: varun@klelawcollege.edu.in

Faculty Co-ordinator,
Contact No.: 9986583856
E-mail: kavyab@klelawcollege.edu.in
Student Co-ordinators
IPR Cell Inaugural Function