
News and Event

13 Apr'18
2nd Surana and Surana Moot Court Competition-2018

KLE Society’s Law College organized the ‘2nd Surana and Surana KLE Law College National Constitutional Law Moot Court Competition-2018 from 13th April to 15th April 2018’ The competition witnessed forty-four teams across the nation competing in simulated court-room setting on a hypothetical case. The Competition was inaugurated by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Raghvendra S. Chauhan Judge, High Court of Karntaka on 13th April 2018 in the gracious presence of Prof.(Dr.) V.B. Coutinho, former vice chancellor Gulbarga University, Prof.(Dr.) V Sudesh Principal and Dean Post Graduate Dept. of Studies in Law University Law College, Bengaluru and Mr.Prabhuling K Navadgi Senior Advocate and Additional Solicitor General of India.

Team representing National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kerala won the winner’s trophy and the team representing National Law University, Odisha came runners up in 2ndSurana&Surana and KLE Law College National Constitutional Law Moot Court Competition, 2018. Ms. Tresa Ajay of National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kerala was adjudicated as the Best Advocate and the team representing School of Law, Sastra Deemed to be Universty won the best memorial.

The finals of the Competition was judged by the Justice G. Narendar, Justice Dixit Krishna Shripad and Justice Siddappa Sunil Dutt Yadav, honourable judges of High Court of Karnataka and Mr. Ashok Haranalli, Senior Advocate and Former Advocate General and Mr. P.S. Rajagopal, Senior Advocate.

Addressing the participants and students, Justice G. Narendar, Judge, High Court of Karnataka reminded the law students of their duty to the society.Justice Dixit Krishna Shripad, Judge, High Court of Karnataka address the audience on the nuances of the legal profession and what a law student must do and must not do.Justice Siddappa Sunil Dutt Yadav, Judge, HighCourt of Karnataka, also addressed the audience on the need to learn the skills needed in court room.

Mr. Ashok Haranalli, Senior Advocate and Former Advocate General, urged the students of law to learn the hard way of doing things and not to take the easy way out. Mr. P.S. Rajagopal, Senior Advocate, addressing the audience stressed on the role of advocates in formulation of law and how a society can induce change in the legal system.

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