K.L.E. Society’s Law College, Bengaluru is organising AD INFINITUM 2019.
AD INFINITUM 2019 is a cultural fest which is being organised by K.L.E Society’s Law College, Bengaluru on the 24th and 25th October 2019. There are various events through which the students can showcase their talents. This event is open to all colleges and universities. Some of the highlights of the events are Battle of Bands, Fashion Show, Treasure Hunt, Solo Dance, Group Dance, Solo Singing, Group Singing, Standup Comedy, Mad Ads, Beat Boxing, Photography, JAM, MIME etc.
There are attractive prizes for the winners.
Registration Details
To register,
click here.
Registration closes on October 21, 2019
The Participants shall be contacted by the registration team once the forms have been duly submitted and accepted.
Contact Details
Ananya Pandey: 9535836742
Kishan: 8310790921