
News and Event

21 Oct'16
National Law Fest 2016

National law fest 2016, bangalore

K.L.E. Law Academy’s National Law Fest 2016

K.L.E. Law Academy has organized 3 day ‘National Law Fest 2016’ held from 21st to 23rd October 2016 at K.L.E. Society’s Law College, Bengaluru. The Fest consists of various competitions viz.,

1.Trial Advocacy
2.Law Quiz
3.Legal Drafting
4.Judgement writing and
5.Paper Presentation

Through Trial Advocacy participants had an opportunity to sharpen their advocacy skill pertaining to examination in chief, cross examination of witness and observance of procedure. Legal Drafting Competition has given the participants an opportunity to draft petition/complaint/plaint etc as per standard procedure observed in the court. Judgement Writing gave an idea as to how judgments are to be written. Law Quiz focused on improving the IQ level of students. Paper presentation aimed at improving the legal research and presentation skills.

20 teams from various reputed law colleges across India participated in all above said competitions The Fest was inaugurated on 21st October, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. by Hon’ble Mr. Justice V. Gopala Gowda, Former Judge, Supreme Court of India and Sri. Prabhuling K. Navadgi Additional Solicitor General, Govt. of India was the guest of honour.

At the Valedictory function on 23rd October 2016, Hon’ble Mr. Justice H. Billappa Former Judge, High Court of Karnataka delivered the valedictory address and Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.V. Chandrashekara, Former Judge High Court of Karnataka and Mr. Sajan Poovayya, Senior Advocate, High Court of Karnataka were the guests of honor.




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