On 10
th February 2014, a one day National Human Rights Commission Sponsored
“Training Programme On Child Rights” was organized in our college. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. T.R.Subramanya, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Karnataka State Law University, Hubli. The training program was attended by about 215 students. The inaugural programme was commenced with the invocation song by Ms. Usha H.R. Mrs. Jayashree R.S., Assistant Professor introduced the guests and welcomed guests & participants. Dr. J.M.Mallikarjunaiah, Principal of the college had presided over the programmeand the vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Manoj Kumar V Hiremath.
In his inaugural address, Dr. T.R.Subramanya called human rights as the most basic rights that belong to all of us and need not be guaranteed by any constitution of legislation because it is inherent in nature. That being said, the need to recognize human rights was felt post World War II which was a testimony to the brutality that men are capable of and hence the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The Constituent Assembly incorporated in the Constitution of India the substance of the rights proclaimed in the UDHR.

Dr.T.R.Subramanya receiving a memento from Dr.J.M.Mallikarjunaiah, Principal, KLELC

Participants of the NHRC programme, students and special invitees.